Originally posted by 04marauder:
Impressive win for D. Proved me wrong - again.
I didn't think they would get past game six.
SA blew a golden opportunity and now its anyones series.
I don't know who looks worse at the free throw line, Duncan or Shaq.
And you can't blame any distractions by the opposing team.
His shot just looks like a brick when he's at the line. Its painful to watch.
I wish people would stop complaining about the refs though.
You won the game so why not let that go.
And its pretty much been agreed by all anyway that the refs do suck.
I geuss its easy to complain though when the players and coach for Detroit do it so much.
To the point where they're getting fined and talking about conspiracies and such.
Game 7 could be a classic in the making.

Sorry about complaining about the refs, but I did do it well before the game was over, and I found them to be pathetic on both sides. At one point, there were 7 straight bad/no calls that I counted in the early-mid 4 quarter. Ending with the Chauncey foul on Duncan.

"If you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit" -Mitch Hedberg