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#1251462 06/17/05 07:19 PM
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Originally posted by MxRacerCamXXXL:
iirc, the guy they are talking about is the PA announcer at the palace, not the TV commentary person.

Yeah, I know. I was just talking about Kevin Harland. He was the PA announcer for the Timberwolves before he was promoted to a TV commentator. He's annoying as both.

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#1251463 06/17/05 07:20 PM
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Kevin Harland isn't bad, but Al Michaels and Hubie Davis make a terrible duo. Hubie looks like he's Hannibal Lecter waiting to eat someone when they show him talking. Al I guess is always searching for his next 'Do you believe in miracles?' moment. He clearly doesn't know his arse from his elbow when it comes to basketball.

And yes, I was talking about 'Mason', whose trademark is repeating the first syllable of players' names before saying the rest of it (not as much annoying as it is dumb). For some reason, he gets hyped by the media. Well, I can probably guess why, but that's another thread.

#1251464 06/17/05 09:07 PM
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I feel Guilty, Oh so guilty
I feel Guilty, Oh so guilty
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Comments from spurs fans. Unfortunately, the oldest comments are at the bottom. Still fun to read.

San Antonio SPURS forever! I am sure the thud back to earth in Game 3 will spur on the Spurs to victory in Game 4.
All the best from Melbourne, Australia. GO SPURS! Let that mean machine PURR!

Posted by: Heath at June 16, 2005 06:09 AM

Chill already. The SPURS had a bad day, it happens to us all. And, lay off Parker, he stepped up to the plate when no one else did.

Posted by: angela at June 15, 2005 09:03 PM

Maaaaannnnnuuuuuu!!!! 7 points & 6 points (game 3)MVP?????? What a JOKE.

Posted by: Ray at June 15, 2005 03:29 PM

Basically, whatever happened yesterday was just one bad game from SPURS... We can't blame them for pressure they were in yesterday at the Palace of Auburn Hills... I know, you will see diferent and positive game from players who struggle.

Posted by: Nizar at June 15, 2005 03:11 PM

If Tim could show up for every game would be nice. With Tim MVP means most varied player as he is not consistent with plays or scoring on the floor. David Robinson made him look good, on his own he sucks the life out of the team and they have to compensate for him. Why does Pop make excuses for Tim's bad plays and can't see the major flaws in his game?

Posted by: Vickie McMurtry at June 15, 2005 12:47 AM

If the public had a say in who was the basketball team with the highest caliber of talent and gentlemen,I have no doubt the San Antonio Spurs would be selected. From Coach Popovich to the towel guy, there is total class and good sportsmanship.

All the players are excellent at what they do and they are true team players. However, Manu Ginobili, in my opinion, should win the title of MOST VALUABLE PLAYER. HE IS CONSISTENTLY GIVING EVERY GAME EVERYTHING HE HAS TO OFFER, WHICH IS THE BEST. Unfortunately, as much as most people think of Tim Duncan, he isn't dependable. One game he's great, the next he virtually loses it for the team. (PLEASE, POP, HE NEEDS TO PRACTICE MAKING BASKETS ABOUT FOUR HOURS A DAY. HE MISSES SO MANY FREE THROWS IT'S PITIFUL.)

The Spurs have so many loyal fans and you can certainly count me as one of them. I am proud to say that I am a resident of San Antonio and that the Spurs are my team!!!!

Posted by: Ginger Campbell at June 14, 2005 07:32 PM

It takes you WAAY too long to put up these posts.. Speed it up. We're already at Game 3 and you've just put the posts up from Game 2. This forum is too slow. Take the lead from the Detnews website: Once you register, your post goes up automatically.

Posted by: Ronnie in NJ at June 14, 2005 06:12 PM

Go Spurs Win The Championship again

Posted by: William D. Tomany at June 14, 2005 06:00 PM

The Spurs played at a level that the Pistons have never seen. Even with mid-game adjustments it wasn't enough. I suspect the Pistons will come out playing like rabid junk-yard dogs. If the Spurs will match that fire & intensity, no problem. Prediction: Spurs win a verrry close one tonight, then finish with a win on Thursday.
Every game

Posted by: Lloyd at June 14, 2005 05:49 PM

This comment is for Kevin and all of the other, "Detroit let down" believers. Yes Kevin, the Pistons could hardly have played worse. But the question is why? Is it because the Pistons are in some kind of mysterious funk or is it because they are playing a more talented team? One of the most talented teams of all time?

The answer is that second thing. And to analyze this series in terms of Detroit's failings is to disrespect the Spurs and to fail to discuss what is actually happening on the floor. I don't mind that you, a Detroit fan, see it from their point of view, you're more than entitled to do that. I do mind that the network analysts see it only from the Pistons point of view. They are disrespecting my team and home town and they are not giving their viewers an accurate analysis of what is happening in the series.

As far as Game 3 being tough you will notice that almost everyone on this board agrees with you. We respect your team. We know it's going to be tough to get two more wins. And that's why the Spurs have a good chance of doing it.

Posted by: Ken at June 14, 2005 05:35 PM

Good news for Mr. Stephen A. Smith:
Pepto Bismol has a new delicious cherry flavor. He'll need it after the REAL world champs force feed him his own words.

Posted by: Maestro at June 14, 2005 03:45 PM

This series shouldn't last that long. I think most commentators don't point out the fact the the Spurs stuggle against athletic "freaks" (i.e. Stoudemire). If the Heat would have won, I don't know if Bowen could keep up with this quick first step. Detroit is a good team but they do not have anyone close to resembling an athletic "freak" that will cause the Spurs problems. So this series won't last long.

Posted by: Javi Cano at June 14, 2005 03:42 PM

This series shouldn't last that long. I think most commentators don't point out the fact the Spurs struggle against athletic "freaks" (i.e. Stoudemire). If the Heat would have won, I don't know if Bowen could keep up with this quick first step. Detroit is a good team but they do not have anyone close to resembling an athletic "freak" that will cause the Spurs problems. So this series won't last long.

Posted by: Javi Cano at June 14, 2005 03:42 PM

When I cheer for the Spurs, I like to say anything but Go Spurs Go. I like to show my support my own individual way and not let someone else tell me how to cheer. C'mon people, be original! Think for yourselves.

Posted by: Joe at June 14, 2005 03:27 PM

I'm not one to overstate the Spurs chances of winning this series, but after Game 2 it was clear the Spurs are playing as well as they did all year. Maybe better. If they can withstand a furious start to Game 3 by the Pistons, and keep it close, I think they'll win it. And go on to sweep Detroit

Posted by: Rick Laurenzo at June 14, 2005 03:26 PM

San Antonio SPURS ! Quess What!

Your going to Disney World !!!!


Posted by: J. Vargas at June 14, 2005 12:45 PM


Posted by: Cynthia at June 14, 2005 09:47 AM

It is a shame that ABC can't find 2 good announcers for the finals. I turn the sound off on the TV and turn on the radio to Sean and hear the good, bad, and the ugly of the game, as it should be. The spurs have just outplayed the Pistons and made the plays they have to make. Great team work and hustle make winners, in a ball game and in life.

Posted by: James Hutmacher at June 14, 2005 09:05 AM

Man it is simple to see that the Pistons wonÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢t be able to have the type of game they want to play, but thatÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢s only cause the Spur's defense is smothering the heck out of them. Everyone keeps saying the Pistons havenÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢t played their best game, of course they havenÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢t, they have tried, and the Spurs throw them back to the ground. However I do give them enough credit for one game at least, because the refs will play a crucial part in game 3. I still say Spurs in 5, if the Spurs win game 3, it will be a sweep.

Posted by: Mark Anthony at June 14, 2005 08:13 AM

They are playing their best basketball of the season! Only two more wins for the ring.
Two for the ring, Two for the city! Go Spurs Go.

Posted by: Larry at June 14, 2005 06:15 AM

I hate they way the sportcasters say that San Antonio is beating Detroit at its own game. San Antonio is and has always been a defensive team. The only thing is this year we have offensive power. The Spurs did not just wake up and decide to play defense or follow any blueprint the Pistons drew up. Spurs in 5. I actually wold not mind 6 just so they could win at home.

Posted by: spursfan at June 13, 2005 09:16 PM

It's plain to see the Pistons are simply getting out played, out hustled by the Spurs. I don't hear Sheed giving a guarantee on any victory in this series. It won't happen. Not one single 3.... not even from Clutch Billups himself. This series is just about over.

Posted by: Lisa at June 13, 2005 07:12 PM

I love it when Hubie Brown continued to put a positive spin throughout Game 2.. Every time the Pistons made a run, Hubie Brown will cheered and made comments like "now they are within striking distance", and every time the Spurs would rally back and just made Detroit look bad.

Posted by: Felix Oquendo at June 13, 2005 06:40 PM

No time to let down. 3-pointers won't always be that easy. Keep the transition defense as your main focus and Game 3 will be won. This is a fight for the championship. You don't want your opponent to get up after you hit him. Keep hitting them until you have won. Then enjoy!

Posted by: Bruno at June 13, 2005 05:14 PM

Two more wins to a 3rd Championship for this awesome town! Two more wins before the Spurs send the Detroit Pistons and their rabid fans on a fishing trip where Kenny Smith will decide where they should go!!
Isn't it interesting that even though he's labeled primarily as a defensive stopper, Bruce Bowen still scored more points than Richard "RIP" Hampilton (15 to 14)!!!
The Spurs made 11 3-point shots and Detroit made NONE!!!
I guess it was one of those days where the Spurs were in a "Zone".
We'll see if they can continue to exert all of this aggressive play up at The Palace!
As an avid Spurs Fan, it would be nice if they could end the series up there, but I'll be content with at least getting one victory on the Road.
GO SPURS GO!!! rjd

Posted by: Rodney Dapilmoto at June 13, 2005 03:57 PM

I'm currently deployed overseas and the last two times I was deployed the Spurs won the NBA Championship. I need to deploy more often!! I say sweep the Pistons! Go Spurs Go ! Spurs fan for life!

Posted by: Dennis at June 13, 2005 02:54 PM

Must be pretty nice to have Timmy and Tony sit for a long time and still whip Detroit by 21. What more can you say about Manu? I say Manu for el presidente! Beno, Horry, and Bruce also very huge minutes. I said it before, the Spurs are a "TEAM" and they have trust in each other. I don't get to tripped out on the numb-nutt commentary like lame old Bill Walton or sorry old Hubie Brooks. Bill is just jealous and thinks he can still play. For the most part the rest of the commentary is pretty fair.

Posted by: Walter at June 13, 2005 02:38 PM




Posted by: GASTON at June 13, 2005 12:04 PM

Only thing wrong with the win (in my opinion) is the bashing the Spurs fans are doing at the national media. Chanting "Stephan A. you Suck" is not classy. I hate when Hubie does not give enough credit to the Spurs too, or Bryan Cox on FSN radio says the Spurs are "soft"... but that is what makes every win even more special. I love the Spurs too but you can't make people see or feel what you know is TRUE the SPURS ARE THE BEST TEAM IN THE NBA!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Brian at June 13, 2005 11:22 AM

Well not to put a damper on things, but Tim said it last night, when he said, "we have been in this situation before and lost." Remember Derek Fisher and we were up 2-0 in that series as well. I pray to GOD that nothing like that happens again.

The Spurs are now hitting the road where they are 4-2 all time in the Finals... and are on a four game road win streak this playoffs.. so I hope that trend continues.

Let's always hope for the best and for my heart's sake... blowouts!!


Posted by: Ted D at June 13, 2005 10:43 AM

S.A. has played amazingly and is a great team. But anyone who thinks that Detroit has played as well as they possibly can is fooling themselves. Detroit actually couldn't play much worse. That being said, I'm not taking anything away from the Spurs, who absolutely destroyed my Pistons in games one and two. Don't expect it to be this easy the rest of the way though.
Go Stones!

Posted by: Kevin at June 13, 2005 10:34 AM

Tomorrow is Bruce Bowen B-day... Happy Birthday!!!!

Posted by: cindy at June 13, 2005 09:57 AM

Wow!!! What a heck of a game!!! Go Spurs GO!! Congrats to all the players for doing a heck of a job...

Posted by: LORI at June 13, 2005 09:47 AM

To Al Michaels: His name is MANU, not MANO.

Posted by: Pete Lopez at June 13, 2005 09:28 AM

How scary is it when the Spurs win by 21 points and Duncan only makes 5 shots? The Pistons gotta come a little unglued over that. What would/could the winning margin be if both Duncan and Obi-Wan Ginobili had monster nights? Scary thought, very, very scary.

Posted by: Rob at June 13, 2005 09:13 AM


Posted by: Alberto at June 13, 2005 07:38 AM

Message for Paul: Who cares what the commentators say anyway? Are you actually listening to Hubie? Please. Just watch the game and forget the stuff that's irrelevant. Our Spurs are in the Finals. Validatiion by the commentators isn't a priority. Just watch our boys play for another title.

Posted by: Ronnie in NJ at June 13, 2005 06:52 AM


Posted by: JC NAPLES-FLA at June 13, 2005 06:38 AM

Being a Lakers fan watching this, I'm smiling for the clinic the Spurs are putting on the Pistons. They don't resemble the team at all that played in the Miami series> I knew Manu would be the difference/wildcard in this Finals. Detroit has never seen a player like this. He's got the herky-jerky of Steve Nash on steroid's X100, and he's a better shooter than Nash.

Pistons' problems are themsleves and complaining on every call, it's obvious they feel the refs have it out for them, ain't true. The Spurs are that good, & Prince thinks he's the premier shotblocker/defender at his position, so I just love getting a kick looking at his "what?? that can't be!" on his face when Manu blows by him off the dribble.

GinobiLLLLLLIIIII!! This guy is amazing. The Spurs sure have an eye for talent. I don't see this going 6 games as alot of people have predicted, prolly 4 and out.

Posted by: Davied at June 13, 2005 06:28 AM

It was very interesting to me to hear all of the commentators who picked Detroit to win analyzing this series, even after Game 2, as being about what Detroit did wrong. Even after, presumably, watching the game they still told their audience that the contest was decided by Detroit not working hard enough; by Detroit missing wide open shots. For your benefit gentlemen I am going to go through the obvious just once.

Detroit has lost the first two games by an average of 18 points. These loses have nothing to do with Detroit. The Pistons are playing absolutely the best basketball they are capable of. The reason Detroit is losing is that the San Antonio Spurs are the best basketball team in the world. The Spurs are better than any team in the NBA, they are better than any national team, they are better than any college team, they are better than any team with
Shaq, or Kobe, or Lebron. They are quite simply the best basketball team on the planet. They have the most talent and they maximize that talent by playing with great team unity on both ends of the floor for the entire game.

The only thing "wrong" with Detroit is that they are playing a San Antonio team that is better than they are. Detroit is very likely, playing with pride and determination, to win one game in Detroit. If they win two and bring the series back to SA it will be a great achievement. It will also be their last achievement of the season.

Posted by: Ken at June 13, 2005 01:40 AM

Hey, Rip. You shot 33% again! What was that? You're getting the shots that you wanted all night again? Well now, if a 33% shooter is the best that Detroit has got, then your Pistons are history. Common now, why don't you be a man and admit that Bruce Bowen just shuts you down. GinobiLLLLLLIIIIIIII! Just trying to fill in for Chuck.


Posted by: Diego at June 13, 2005 12:53 AM

I just hate how Hubie Brown bashes on the SPURS, but it's ok cause it's going to be sweet when they finish it up, and Hubie has to be there to cover the celebration. In Game 2, he was always quite when the SPURS did something outrageous and when the Pistons did something somewhat exciting he when out of his way to make it known. His old *** needs to stay home and stick to his Depends!

Posted by: Paul at June 13, 2005 12:16 AM

Wow! That was an incredible game!! Manu was truly the best player in it... Go Manu and the Spurs!!

Posted by: Pablo at June 13, 2005 12:14 AM

Oh yeah and another thing, all you Pistons lovers out there who said the Pistons would make their adjustments and rebound in Game 2, I only have two things to say first.... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, secondly: The adjusment was made alright that's why you got spanked by 21... 21 points and you call yourselves the defending champs. What's the deal? I mean doesn't your team have any heart??? And where is Rasheed, Rip, and Ben??? I still can't find them? They are still missing....... Spurs in 5 still.

Posted by: Mark at June 12, 2005 11:59 PM

Wow! I guess that will be the end of Piston fans on this board. Smith said it the best, the Spurs won because they respect the Pistons, but the Pistons don't respect the Spurs. Until that happens, break out the brooms. This series is about to be over. GO SPURS GO!

Posted by: mike smith at June 12, 2005 11:57 PM

GO SPURS GO!!!!!!! We're going to finish this in Detroit..

Posted by: Anil at June 12, 2005 11:57 PM

Ince again I will bring to the attention to the fans of the Pistons and Spurs, the Pistons come from a weak division (Eastern Conference) and will not beat a team from the West (especially the Spurs). The Pistons have no offense in comparison to that of the Spurs. Manu can not be stopped and he will be the mvp of the Finals.

Posted by: Mark at June 12, 2005 11:52 PM

I'm from Argentina and I'm proud of Manu's success. Go Spurs!!!

Posted by: Gaston at June 12, 2005 11:50 PM

MANU FOR MVP, this guy is inspiring. I would start a religion of Ginobili followers. hahahaha... It would be nice to talk to other Spurs fans, so email me at


Posted by: juan at June 12, 2005 11:28 PM

Wow!! What a game. Pistons needed to make some adjustments and they did, but it still wasn't enough to stop the Spurs. Spurs were sharp in all aspects of their game and the Pistons looked completely lost on both ends of the floor. Total domination by the Spurs. They're the better team at this point. The Palace will be rockin'on Tuesday, but there's no reason why the Spurs can't end this early. If you're a Pistons fan, you gotta be a littled panicked to see your team play this poorly. And the Spurs play well on the road. I had said 7 games, but this could end a lot sooner. Go Spurs!!

Posted by: Ronnie in NJ at June 12, 2005 11:15 PM

"If you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit" -Mitch Hedberg
#1251465 06/17/05 09:25 PM
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Originally posted by Davo:
Originally posted by akrump47:

Sorry, and forgive my political incorrectness, but the public addressor at The Palace is a complete retard. I've never seen a tackier and more stupid starting lineup hypefest. How original is "Buh-Buh-Buh-Buh-Buh-Buh-Buh Ben Waaallllllaaaaccee"?

Haha well the guys has been doing it for years so really there is no hype. But I wouldnt expect anything less from a guy who obviously hates anything Pistons related.

- Tim
#1251466 06/17/05 11:29 PM
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Originally posted by Corbett:
Originally posted by Davo:
Originally posted by akrump47:

Sorry, and forgive my political incorrectness, but the public addressor at The Palace is a complete retard. I've never seen a tackier and more stupid starting lineup hypefest. How original is "Buh-Buh-Buh-Buh-Buh-Buh-Buh Ben Waaallllllaaaaccee"?

Haha well the guys has been doing it for years so really there is no hype. But I wouldnt expect anything less from a guy who obviously hates anything Pistons related.

Tim, Davo is a Husker, what do you expect "N" on the helmet is for Nowledge, right, LOL! Hey Davo, he's a local DJ thats been at it for probably as long as you've been alive and if very respected in the community, so roll of em' Its original and its Mason, period. Maybe you should stop drinkin' that "haterade" and acknowledge, or is it acnowledge the Pistons for what they are going to be....Back to Back Champions! This year theres no getting out of it national media, no soap operas, no exuses, the Pistons are the best team for the 2004-05 season!

"THEE" Roger R 2005 Crossfire Limited coupe' -FOR SALE @buyout price & I'll... -throw in my 93' Regal as winter car *Dragon Run 06'...Oct 12-15th* Puur-fection Auto Detailing Complete packages from $140.00
#1251467 06/17/05 11:48 PM
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1. I am not a Husker.
2. He could be Jesus, and his act would be stupid.
3. The series is not over yet, unless I missed something.
4. Michigan did not deserve a share of the title in 97.

#1251468 06/18/05 12:16 AM
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HAHA, if it was in Miami and he was saying "SHA SHA SHA SHA SHAQ" you would be changing your undies.

- Tim
#1251469 06/18/05 12:32 AM
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No. Everything since the Bulls has been gh-gh-gh-gh-gh-ghey.

#1251470 06/18/05 06:20 AM
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Captain Impound Boy
Captain Impound Boy
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Originally posted by Davo:

4. Michigan did not deserve a share of the title in 97.

Your dreamin There!
97 UofM would have crushed 97 huskers!!!

One word..... WOODSON!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't get me wrong i like nebraska tim crouch was the [censored]! but 97 wolverines were a much better team and would have curb stomped the huskers that year!


#1251471 06/18/05 06:40 AM
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One word: TomOsborneScottFrostAhmanGreenGrantWistromJasonPeter

Crushed? No. Good game between the two? Yes.

Oh, who the [censored] is Tim Crouch?

Go Blow.

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