Originally posted by MxRacerCamXXXL:
also, i find it interesting that you keep trying to pull the conversation away from statistics and statistical significance. proper inferences absolutely require statistical evidence including an accurate representation of the population, which also involves percentages. without it, all you have is opinion and specuation. opinion and speculation do not magically become logical inferences without scientific evidence backing them up. no proper statistical representation = no scientific evidence. no scientific evidence = only opinion and specualtion.

FYI I'm not planning on publishing my findings in any journals. Never did I say this was scientific, and never did I say it went anywhere beyond speculation and opinion. I've argued here (well, I might add) that my speculation and opinion is well-founded in my personal observations, and those of others in a position to observe.

...and the extent to which you have come to the conspiracy theorists' defense is further support for my opinion. If my opinion was so ridiculous then I would expect you to treat it as such and dismiss it.

The time you're putting in attempting to logically and scientifically discount my point is meant to distract from the idea that there actually is a large portion of Pistons fans who think there is a conspiracy against their team. Very nice, though less than creative. It's kind of hard to pass off the overwhelming sentiment among the fans in public domain as that of kooks and freaks, which is what you're trying to do (ironically with yourself in the kooks and freaks category).