Originally posted by elraido:
Were are all the pistons fans saying that no one can beat them? I am just kidding. Like I said before Detroits offense doesn't stand a chance against the Spurs D. And Parkers play did them in the first half but Manu rescued them in the second.

Its only game #1! I thought the rust would affect the Spurs, but I guess the endurance caught up with the Pistons, look they need to be bored .030 over Also, it didn't help that Rasheed only took SIX shots in the entire game, maybe he was sleeping Either way, Sundays game will be alot different, trust me. For those of you who don't or didn't follow the Pistons during this playoff run let me tell you something, they play their best ball when their "backs are against the wall", I know its cliche', but its true. Pistons will tie up the series 1-1 on Sunday

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