Here's some Dave Barry...

Dwyane's injury was a huge blow, because he is the Heat's leading scorer AND humblest human being AND People magazine's Most Beautiful Person AND pilot of the team plane. Dwyane also invented penicillin, correctly identified "Deep Throat" four months ago and is batting .438 for the Marlins. He is a god in South Florida. Literally. Many chickens have died in his name.

So anyway, for Game 6, the wounded, undermanned, Dwyane-less Heat not only had to go to Detroit -- which by itself was punishment enough -- but also had to play an actual game, during which everything went wrong. First, Eddie Jones cut his eye; then Alonzo Mourning severely strained his scowl muscle;

Hey ancientsanskrit, I was accepted last week to a school in Ontario, so have to decide in a few days if I'm gonna take it or go to Wayne. Did you get the test results back yet?