Originally posted by snakous:
pistons played TERRIBLE and miami barely squeaked it out. the officiating once again is terrible going both ways.

I wouldn't say the Pistons played terrible, think of it like this. The Heat HAD to have their "A" game or it was all over and if that was their "A" game, I feel the same as I did before the series started, Pistons in 6. Now if you think about it, had they not rushed those threes w/ about a minute and half left in the game, the outcome could've been different, but coulda, woulda, shoulda's aren't going to beat the Heat, thats for sure. As far as the officiating goes, well, I have to listen to the game on the radio because I work afternoons and I thought George "Bla-Bla" and John Long were just being homers, it was unbearable at times listening to them between the commercials within the game and the crying about calls, it sucked In closing, why in the hell is game #3 on Sunday and not Friday, jackass NBA!

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