yeah, no trust for me!

Heard of more than one vehicle driving about 5 miles away from the Walmart back home and the engine siezing up. Most of the time... they forgot to put oil back in it

Also my brother saw they would change your tires (if you provide new tires) for like $10 each mounted and balanced.

So he takes his old Avenger there, and they bust one of the rims. They tell him they can't do it and they need to buy him a new rim. So he goes in there and shows the employee how to use their tire machine the correct way and does a tire. Then he does it how they did it and broke another rim. Anyway, he got some decent rims out of that deal (looked like stock).

Goin' Round Traffic Circles @ 50Km/h!!! \m/ -- 1998 E0 SVT #2119 of 6535 \m/ -- 2003 Sentra SE-R Spec V