Originally posted by Thinkmoto:
Bnoon one more question. When you say awakenings do you mean you literally wake up? because I sleep right through it all. My g/f said its probablt for a few seconds or so..but idunno. I guess I'll have to look into it more.

Actually with sleep apnea you will wake all those times, but you yourself wont recall waking at all. This is because it only happens for a split second and you never consciously realize it. Someone that sleeps with you would most likely be the only one to notice.

The reason why its so hard on your body,especially your heart is becaue you cut off O2 to your system and then your body jolts itself awake to open the passage ways to get the oxygen back into your system. My Dad has it really bad and this is all a what he has gone through.

There is a huge sleep study center in MN that specializes in sleep disorders.

Originally posted by Chickens:
Religion can't do much for ashholes (unless you are an alterboy)

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