I think your hilarious and a little jealous maybe?
By the way, I want to sleep with you too!

Originally posted by SAV:
Look at all you pervs jump on a thread like this.

Twenty-six replies in around 7 hours NEVER happens for somebody walking in to try and ask about CEG or Contours. They get flamed beyond belief.

"You should search you stupid newb!! I mean, gosh...and make me a Goddamned sandwich while you're at it!"

Oh, wait...it's cuz she's a girl. Could I get treatment like that if I went and changed my name to "Andrea99" or something?

BTW, I'm smashed so I'm still pretty anal and crap. I think I made a nice post in SE a lil while ago that I don't even remember. I'm not sure though. I'll find out when I wake up in the morning about 25 miles, six cokes, twelve pancakes and two kids later from where I started. Damn girls trying to sleep with me all the time.