Poser how? Because I don't worship the Contour? No, I drove the crap out of one last year autocrossing it. Finished second in STS and won Rookie of the Year in it. I've been to local Contour meets. But why drive to a Contour meet? I'd rather spend that weekend working on my Miata or autocrossing it locally.

You see, I'm a car enthusiast. I enjoy cars, I'm just not married to any single one. They're utilitarian. They serve a purpose. That's all.

I find humor in the fact that I offer a legitimate statement of fact regarding wheel installation that runs contrary to someone's opinion that just so happens to have an order of magnitude more posts than I have, and then have my statement summarially disregarded as being bullpucky.

I actually sought out an opinion about this thread from a friend who is Senior Automotive Market Research Analyst and his reply was

You are correct. Now, I will say that I like the idea of a hubcenter in order to backup the studs in cases of stud flex.

Yeah, the insults really do hurt my widdle poor feelings too.

Whirling dervish of FFOG.