
Thanks for the welcomed civility. I'll track down the IR temp gauge again ASAP -and you are right that it is time to just get more data. Damn day job and paying bills in the way.

The "applying more force than commanded" in the fronts wasn't my theory, it was only in response to MFE's "hey dumbass it is the FRONT idiot .... the FRONT" type of notes.

If the rear bias is too low, but know-it-all MFE says it is the fronts that are the problem not the backs, then the fronts simply get "too much" pressure. I find that hard to buy but was just trying to hear his theories on it - they seem to involve Bob Marley and nothing of substance.

So I am hesitant to disassemble the fronts or change anything yet until I got the existing temps after a longer drive. Then I'll inspect, diagnose and remeasure. Otherwise I can't prove squat of an improvement.

Rephrase for MFE: I don't want to tear apart and alter the fronts until I get baseline data .....(plus I don't believe the problem lies there but amy eventually have to look there).

Funny how getting a good baseline is part of problem solving .... maybe mentioned as part of the CDW27 DVP&R process, huh?

Until I get my data: Can any CEG'er comfortably touch est 110 F your rear rotors immediately after 30-40 minutes of stop/go normal city driving at up to 55 mph?

Flat palm those babies in the rear for 5 minutes and tell me what happens. The brake experts say it is normal to be that cool. I'll glady show you many other front wheel drive vehicles that will nicely roast some skin on the rear rotors after the same driving cycle. Physics identified by TCE and RARA must not apply to those vehicles.

Yes - many ideas and limited data on certain sides, but tons of "idiot .... rears are supposed to be underbiased"
before ANY data is out"

At least they should have flat palmed their rear rotors before palming their keyboard with the expert answer.