Originally posted by Stazi:
Yeah and you're SOOOOOOO analytical with your whole argument based on the sound some snow made when you threw it on your rotors. You're ridiculous. How did you come up with your imaginary bias proportion? How do you know it isn't 70-80-90-95%?

Stop trying to act like you're in some sort of divine connection with your braking system.

Without ACTUAL brake pressure readings on each wheel, you CANNOT make the assumptions you have made. Temps won't tell you enough due to the different sized rotors, front to rear. You need to know the pad pressure, coefficient of fricton of the front and rear pads and actual contact area.

So if you measure the temps, what kind of home-brew calculation will you use to deduce that your brake roportioning is wrong? Do you have access to the original DVP&R for the CDW-27 Brake Design?......... somehow, I think NOT!

Eh, f@#k, do what the hell you want you are a lost cause.

Well if you could comprehend, maybe you saw a few IR temp readings that I posted. You don't need a tire pressure gauge to initially tell you have a totally flat tire ( well maybe you do), and if I can drive home, flat palm my barely lukewarm rear rotors yet not even dare to touch the fronts, that tells me something just may be off.

So I follow it up less than a week later with IR temps and you can't get it through your thick skull!

You obviously have a divine connection with your a$$hole.

BTW - temps tell plenty since this whole entire thread is about a GROSS temp mismatch. Again - let it soak in. It is only in like the heading "99% front brakes".

Not "64 vs 55" ... but 99 (that is the number just below 100 as in "100% a$$hole").

Where's all of your data Mr Analytical?

Look through the posts - you unecessarilly threw the first rocks.