My fellow Contour Enthusiasts:

I'm having a very difficult time understanding how much bad press you guys are giving this product even before the release. Dion is the only person to have seen it in person, and while we try to post as many detailed pictures as possible, it does not do it justice to the actual part.

We put a lot of work and thought into this, as we did the first two hoods we made. Do you guys honestly think we slapped this together in our backyard in a few hours? While we appreciate your feedback, please give the product a chance before trashing it completely.

You guys are perfectly aware that this was the first article pulled, and as we are still fine tuning the latch portion of the part, fitment should not be an issue with the final production parts. We will post pictures of the test fit with the production part as soon as it's available.

You're also aware of the lack of support the Contour market has in aftermarket products. We are trying to participate in that and ultimately benefit you by doing so. While we appreciate everyone's input, and as much as we'd like to make the "perfect" part that appeals to everyone, this is an impossible feat. And trying to make a part based on all the member's input would have left us spinning in circles. We know you guys work hard for your money, and our goal is to make a part that is worthwhile to both parties.

If you love the trunk, it will be available in about a week to purchase. If you hate the trunk, that's your opinion and we respect that, but we ask that you show some respect by not bad mouthing the part, and more importantly, the company.

Thank you.