Tony, I also think the exhaust looks big. Although everything you are going to do sounds really cool. I tell ya, I drive around and I look at some of these cars and I think "holy cow that is the gayest thing I've ever seen," then I look at the driver and make a funny face or something and then I think "they think they are cool as sh*t" then I think about myself and I think "wow when I drive my svt contour I'm cool as sh*t, this car is hot" and those other drivers look at me and make a funny face and they think "holy cow that is the gayest car I've ever seen" so really it's all how you look at it. When you're done you'll be really proud and it's everything you did & wanted to do. It'll be sweet, reguardless of the guy next to you making a funny face lol. Just thought I'd give you a little incouragement. Hope it helped. Plus being a single dad is hard too but it's all worth it. -Denise

Denise Anderson