It depends where you want to take your car...
save you car....
Someone recommended me to buy an svt when i had a 1998 black murcury mystique because he said it would be cheaper to but an svt than to mod the mercury the way i wanted it. Boy was he wrong! so far i have done my tranny engine and just about every thing. Keep the body and just modify what you have. Just my .02 cents. I have been through it. everyone modifies their svt to something even more special. Make something special of your own. if i had my mystique i would have saved 9,000 that i could have put in too my car and then what was left over from what i am currently doing. I can tell you i would have the fastest platform out there already if i kept that thing. just a thought.

Last edited by svtProdigy; 03/01/05 08:53 PM.

PLEASE HELP ME GET MY CAR TOGETHER! ITS IN DAYTON OHIO! I need the motor together and in the car so i can DRIVE it! Pleeeeeese! diamond pistons for 3.0/forsale #702 of 2150