Originally posted by dbateman:
Originally posted by meancontour:

Maybe I have/ had unrealistic hopes/ expectations. We've only had the damn thing paid for for a year or so, and now we are beginning the process of replacing every part.

I guess the fact of the matter is that having a car costs money. You are either paying for a newer car (and maybe repairs) or fixing an older, paid for car. We had just hoped that we had made an investment, and could one day trade it in, but it isn't really worth anything.

Assuming you've taken care of the car, it's not unrealistic to expect it to run well. I guess you've just had more than your share of bad luck with it. There could be some factor that makes your car more unreliable than normal Contours, if you can figure it out you'll be better off for it.

However it is unrealistic to think of a Contour as an investment. Certain cars are investments, maybe SVT Contours 20 years from now, maybe Camaros & Mustangs, but probably not a Contour.

We've tried to care for and take care of the car, regular oil changes, etc. But I'm not a mechanic, and not made of money.

We had just hoped that the car would last for a while, and be worth something when it was time to trade it in, or to trade up. But I just put more money into it than the blue book says it is worth as a trade in...

My hopes were unrealistic, and I realize that now. It just sucks!

I has some plans of a few small mods/ upgrades but don't think I will bother now. Can't afford to play, and to pay all the time just to keep it running. Oh well. boo hoo

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