Originally posted by svtProdigy:
i only have one email from the top editor

i personally know editors at Streettrucks and Truckin/Minitruckin and some who used to work at various others. I have had many friends who's rides were on the cover of these magz and others, including SCC. often times when these editors talk to people about featuring their rides its because theyre blowing smoke up their cornhole. 90% of the time they do a feature on the car its with someone who they have already known for quite some time, through the show scene or the racing circuits. the only time they would tell someone they would feature their vehicle when its still in the construction stage is when that person has already built a previously featured vehicle and they know will be building something badass! OR they personally know them, otherwise its just smoke up their butt. i think, either that's what happened in your case, or youre feeding everyone bs. they also dont go looking for unpopular vehicles that people with paying subscriptions DONT want to see. its well known in here that the csvt was never endeared by SCC. even the focus, which is 100x more popular than our cars ever were, are ignored by SCC. they do cater to Hondas cuz that's what the majority has been driving forever, at leastwas. they dont feature vehicles that arent VERY popular or vintage/cool. I also dont see the head editor getting so geeked out about your car that he would call you personally to tell you that he would like to feature it whenever you get around to finishing it based on all the awesome plans you shared with him. and as someone asked you, just how did they find out about your project supercar?? dont mean to be a d*ck but it just doesnt sound right bud.

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.