Originally posted by RTStabler51:
Not that I don't completely disagreement with you guys, but IMO, I find it somewhat lacking when I see something in a magazine or on the street and the guy who owns the car paid to have the ALL of the work done. I respect guys who put in alot of their own wrench time on their cars with their modifications. I understand the lack of tools etc. I personally did not install my own engine in my car due to not having adequate tools, but I did assemble the complete motor, etc.

to each his own.

I'm with you all the way, but we all have our limitations.

I do as much as I can, which isn't much, but I'm lacking in skills, space, tools, and time. I enjoy doing my own work, because every time I do, I stretch my own knowledge and confidence.

But I'm a long way from tearing into the guts of a motor...

Function before fashion. '96 Contour SE "Toss the Contour into a corner, and it's as easy to catch as a softball thrown by a preschooler." -Edmunds, 1998