Originally posted by Buckshot77:
Dang, guess I better not come. I was planning on roughing up some Hahn boys! So do I at least get my money back?

I'll give you 10 cents on the dollar to sell me your spot Rick!

I don't have to wear a cup... When I leave the house, my wife takes them from me to make sure I don't get into trouble.

Milan, I'm really looking foward to coming to SZ and seeing you and your lights, workshop or not.

Now, back to the gym to workout to be able to beat up on XChang! Hand me those 100 pounders for my next set of pinky curls... "Chineseman say: Puta me down you Cajunman sirry tarkin American nedreck!"

http://www.bnmotorsports.com "And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my CEG brothers. And you will know I am the Moderator when I lay my vengeance upon you."