Bummer, but I figured that would be the case

Originally posted by Pope:
I don't know if it's already being checked into or not, but I know that SCT is working on integrating WideBand O2 into their system, so you don't have to buy one seperate, and since WBO2 is needed to properly tune, maybe see if we could get in as a test group for the system. You know, see if a deal could be worked out where we pay full price for the Pro Racer Package w/ Data Logger, but also guinia-pig their WideBand if they toss it in no additional cost.....

well, that is if they are this far in the developement stage.

I always thought this would be a good idea. Maybe it will incorperate the LM-1. Is this accurate info? Wonder if it can be added down the road.

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