Originally posted by RawBurt:


RawBurt says to pull radio and remove the 4 screws under the radio--I don't have any to remove.

Yes you do! Look directly up from the cup holders, you'll see four screws in each corner. If you are saying that they are missing, then that hole piece is only being held on by the clips so it'll just yank off! Just look directly up from the cup holders and let me know what you see. If you need anything else, or pics let me know and i'll be able to take them later on today.

I thought you meant you'd see screws once the HU was out. I did see the 4 screws above the cupholders. I was getting ticked off last night so I stopped before removing them. Once they are out, just pull the panel off? Where are the clips so I'll know where to look for them? BTW, thanks to all. I guess I'm just more cautious than my younger counterparts.

WA 2 TUFF SVT 2000 Tropic Green SVT Born 1/28/2000-1975 out of 2150-only 207 made. Some new pics