Just got this from SRP...

Hello Jason,

The Headlight panel would not be a problem, we would obviously need a template panel for that though.
We could add it to the AC Panel Development, but it would be an extra $24 for it as it is basically a whole nother panel.
Let me know if you need us to add it and I will have it done, and the total price for the whole set (AC panel & Headlight Panel) will be $58.99.

Best Regards,

Robert Mensior
Model Development Team


Gauges: 49.99
HVAC: 34.99
Headlight: 24.00

If anyone has a headlight switch you can donate, PM me so I can send you their address.

"...first he's gonna s*!t, then he's gonna kill us." 1999 Contour SVT Retrojunk.com