Originally posted by LancasterSVT:
I have a feeling more people will be willing to buy them for say 110 from you (you making 10$ or whatever so you can recoup the 80$ from us not putting money up front). I will tell you flat out, nobody will send money to a new person with no rep and no product. Sorry!

first off, im not new
second, i have parted out 3 full cars on here
and third, i am not going to pay way more for these just to sell them to everyone else dirt cheap and lose money. im not trying to make anything off of anyone, just trying to share this with people. if you all dont want these then that is fine. i gave you a link to check out the quality of these but apparantly you havent looked at it yet. i will be more than happy to be the first one to have actual contour clears rather than making eclipse or cavaliers fit in my car. all i have gotten is negative feedback since i posted this. group buys mean that we all have to chip in to get the product. most group buys dont have a product produced yet until the money has been sent. i dont understand why this would be any different. ill post pics when i get mine and then give her email to you all and you can contact her if you want them made for you but i guarantee they will not be cheap if she has to make one pair at a time. i will be sending the money this week for mine so if anyone is interested just email me.