Originally posted by ExDelayed:
Have you taken into consideration the heat HID puts out? Its it more or less then the 800 series bulbs that fit the foggies?

HID's put out 35W while normal halogen bulbs use 55w. They also run about 40% cooler than halogens since the light is not produced by electricity traveling through a metal coil thus creating enough heat to make light. They instead create light by jumping an arc over two unconnected electrodes, and keeping it burning, much like an electric welder keeps contact with the metal being welded though jumping a spark to it and keeping it lit.

On top of all of this, I believe that our stock 893 model foglamp bulbs are 37.5 watts, so a 35watt HID bulb should be even more cooler than that.

Originally posted by ExDelayed:
IMHO, it would be a waste of money, time and parts. Speaking of which, you have the money to purchase a set of HID for the fogs but you dont have enough to go buy a set of $20 jackstands?

I didn't say I couldn't afford the stands at any moment, I just though it would be more comfortable and convenient to take my time and install the fogs with the bumper off. Also, if there would be any last minute alignment needed to do to them, it would be a breeze.