Ratchie, before I lock this thread, I have a few comments.

1. Your skills of debate are lacking tremendously. You make little effort to discuss the actual issues at hand, and resort to what basically amounts to name calling. Pathetic and childish.

2. While no angel, Steve Bassen gave Cardoc plenty of opportunity to respond to technical questions. But Dom decided to start in with the personal bashing (much like you have resorted to) so Bassen continued to ask the same technical questions while adding in some "insulting" commentary. Certainly not nice, and certainly a bit vulgar, but not uncalled for given Cardoc's comments. While Dom may have called Mr. Bassen's account w/ hypermart into scrutiny, it certainly was not the reason it was cancelled, as steve has posted the email he recieved from them, and I recall when the account was cancelled, Mr. Bassen stated the same reason back then.

you may wish to refer to this thread:
for reference.

3. The reason cardoc has gained such a "reputation" here, is because he has, on multiple occasions made statements that where one or more of the following: lies, half-truths, exaggeratted claims, incorrect technical information, marketing propaganda, misleading statements, etc.
Further, rather than answer any technical questions regarding these statements (and others) he resorts to personal bashing, and further wild claims (anyone remember when he claimed he was an engineer?)

4. Cardoc's exhaust has nothing inherently wrong with it. But on the other hand, it is nothing that cannot be duplicated in any muffler shop in any town across this country. Cardoc presented it initially as offering more power, better sound and lighter weight than any other Conotur exhaust system out there. He was questioned on how his crush bends could be better than mandrel, and he stated that crush bends flowed better than mandrel. The physics of the universe we live in just don't support that claim.
Personally, I do not like the sound of the one application of Cardoc's exhaust I have heard in person (the former setup on NYnicksSVT's car) but to each his own, right?

5. Ratchie, your pathetic attempts at arguing technical matters by personal flaming are not acceptable here. If you wish to remain here, argue/discuss topics in a rational and non-personal way, ie in a technical discussion, try to use tech. rather than personal flaming.
If you cannot raise your maturity level to at least that of a 10 year old, I will be forced to ban you. And I don't like to ban people (heck, I haven't even banned Cardoc, he can at least hold a rational conversation on occasion)

If you wish to argue this matter any further, feel free to Private message or email me.

It's all about balance.
