Originally posted by Ratchie1:
stop being a yes man for Steve and others.

Hello Pot? this is kettle....do you copy?

You better look in the mirror when you mumble that crap. As far as I can see, from the various references you have made about Dom, you are quite the Lemming yourself. If anyone fits the "yes man" criteria, it is surely you. I don't think he needs you to fight his wars, because I have yet to see him come over here and defend a cause he deems useless, and ask for backup. His lack of posting a defense must indeed be a sign of one of 2 things:

1. He agrees with the consensus over here (which I doubt is the case)

2. He feels it is a useless argument, as has deemed it senseless to continue it.

So go back from the that meaningless existence you call "a life" and quit bothering us.

1991 GVR4
Lots of mods done.