I have requested a copy of the email that Cardoctor recieved in response from his request to have "his" property removed from Hypermart. I can assure you that Hypermart disconnected your account for that, not your reason. As soon as he forwards that email I will post the convo.

Steve, give it up. You can't wiggle your way out of this one. You are a loser and I intend to prove it.


P.S. Here's the letter from abuse@hypermart.com


Thanks for writing. I have removed the account and have banned the users email address from our network. I appreciate you notifying us of this violation and please let me know if you have any questions.

--Original Message--


I am the web admin/owner of FordContour.Org. One of your members is using our materials for his own gain. Please remove this file from your servers at once.. This is our intellectual property and we DID NOT grant permission for this page to be copied nor used in anyway but on our own server. I wish to point out that if this is not removed immediately I will forward this to my legal staff. An email when this is removed is requested.

The link for the material is here: http://onwhite1.hypermart.net/cardoc.mht
The referring link is here : http://www.svtperformance.com/forums/showthread.php?s=71060098dff255bc20
670ea7441a3f6c 0670ea7441a3f6c&postid=69752#post69752> &postid=69752#post69752

Thank you for your attention to this matter, If you have any questions at anytime please feel free to contact me at Cardoc@FordContour.Org."

Steve, you are a blatant lying a$$hole. You should be regarded as "Nothing but a troublemaker"

I got your # now, you sack of ####. smile



1999 Contour SVT