Ratchie, we could go on and on, and I could prove you wrong on and on.

I don't feel like doing that, and I'm sure Lance wouldn't appreciate it.

Re: Cardoc, since you brought him up again. Yes, he disagreed w/ me, and plenty of others, nothing wrong with that, but then he got proven wrong, and instead of admitting it, he flames (name calling and such, which you two could shake hands at) you and says the topic is closed and has to get the last word in. Enough to piss me, and plenty of other people off. And when you say something about it, he either locks the thread, or deletes your account.

This didn't happen once or twice, but more than a dozen times. Again, too bad the threads don't exist anymore.

Case closed. No more responses from me on this topic.


'98 SVT - modded
'95 Suzuki GS500E
-faster than the above
---wanting a Speed Triple or Superhawk badly