Perry Rara, -

Is my name RoxRocket? Are you retarded or can't you see that it is NOT me. I didn't post that dyno info so give it a rest. Jesus, will you people grow up. Like I said earlier - Buy a system and do it for yourself, I have no intention of spending $100.00 to find out something I can already feel.

On the other hand - If the other site was so bad and lonely, you wouldn't concentrate your "hate" on him and it. Obviously it doesn't take my arm being twisted to see that another choice of offering "is not acceptable" to you. Too bad - With the mentality's and attitudes here I can see why in the future that site will prosper. I could say alot more in defense of some crackhead that just posted about the bu## #### Cardoc exhaust system - But what's the use. Obviously these people are taking hits off of the same pipe as you , so it's not important to say much about it.

I do have one question though - If you dislike Cardoc so much.. Tell me what he has done to you personally in your life besides disagree with your opinion / or likewise? Huh, I don't see any defense from him until he was provoked... Especially when you people like to throw MUD and then blame it on him. Why would that be? Is he that much of a threat. When is the actual last time he even posted over here?? I'd say he is leaving you alone (for obvious reasons) and you people are still not happy.

You people that have a problem with him are gay! Didn't I read a topic from Lance that said there was no hard feelings between CEG and Ford Contour? But no matter what a few "losers" like yourselves will never let it go. Maybe it's the fact you don't like a wildcard - And that's what he is. You can't beat him into submission like you do others on this board, me included. The sad fact is that if you took a poll - I'm sure there are only a handful of real people out of 6000 that don't like him for some reason (maybe he pissed on your wheaties in a post) aww... would you like a Kleenex? But his info does seem credible, shooting down credible info seems a little much doesn't it. I imagine the rest of the votes that don't like him are just "followers" that want to keep in good with the "group". And the rest probably have no problem with him at all.

The few speak for the many? That's a dangerous concept as you are speaking for the site owner also when you spread blatant bs and smear another member that is now a competitor. That could backfire on you and Lance - I would watch your step. I don't see him following suit here, I don't even see him being interested in saying anything... Obviously alot smarter than all that posted garbage (not real posts but the trash inbetween). So who's the bigger man?

Thought so,


1999 Contour SVT