Originally posted by Ratchie1:
Well - 8.3%. 8.3% for the supposed "traffic" this site gets. Still not impressed.
Just admit you f*cked up and don't try to twist your way out of it. You're making yourself look even worse.

Nevermind... The other site is still new - Give it a couple of years and we'll re-examine at that time.
New my a$$. I'm giving it a couple of years until it dies, not until traffic improves, and that's a big maybe.

Lame? I see you let that F&TF comment slide because it wasn't lame was it? It was dead on.
If I let it slide, it musta been REALLY idiotic.

Oh well. Too far off the subject, going to go stare at 2 posts a day.

At least the posts aren't solid bs.
Now THAT'S funny.


'98 SVT - modded
'95 Suzuki GS500E
-faster than the above
---wanting a Speed Triple or Superhawk badly