Originally posted by Ratchie1:
And who are you?
Member for 3 years. Next.

Threads deleted?
That's what I said, didn't I?

And you call him malicious? You call him a loser? Gee, that's about as low as they come.
Did I call him malicious? Did I call him a loser?

No, so sit the f*ck down, and STFU.

You truly are a marvelous spectacle yourself "hater"... You are truly a joke. I laugh at you for the pityful fool you are. And the rest of my post will be me laughing at you.


A certain quote comes to mind:

Mmmmmk, about the lamest flamewar-starting comment I've ever seen.

Always amazed at idiots...
How fitting, see below....

500 members out of 6000 sounds alot worse than 9 out of 500 shizhead.
500 out of 6000 - 8.3% of members that register stay on as regulars

9 out of 500 - 1.8% of members that register stay on as regulars.

Last time I checked, 8.3% is better than 1.8%, so who's the idiot now? Lets not get to which site generates more traffic.

If it weren't for your inbred brother and sisters that keep signing up over and over again because they can't remember their UBB password - Maybe you would only have 500 real members.
Quite original with that statement.

God and I thought we learned 1+1 in
Yeah, so did I, and one of us didn't pay attention and that one ain't me.

Please regress to that rock you came from - As you are definately not the brightest headlight in the bunch.
Speak for yourself, see above.

IF you wanna resort to name calling which is obviously your forte, feel free to PM me, so you don't bore the living piss out of the other members with your useless banter.

Again, buh-bye.

'98 SVT - modded
'95 Suzuki GS500E
-faster than the above
---wanting a Speed Triple or Superhawk badly