
wake up and smell the coffee. Should I point you to about 8 threads which would change your opinion of Cardoc immediately? If not, you're about as hardheaded as they come.

Calling us dicks and morons will sure to earn you respect, not that you had to earn in in the first place.

Everyone has their opinion of Cardoc, me included, and Cardoc has an opinion about the CEG.

There is a REASON why so many people don't like him. You don't get that many pissed off at you for little stupid stuff. If he was such an angel as you perceive him to be, then please, why does he have a wicked 9 active members on his forums? And if the CEG sucks so bad (according to you), why do we have about 500 active members? Something surely doesn't add up.

Too bad Cardoc deleted all the posts in which he was proven wrong, and went off on whoever proved him wrong. I've seen it happen about 4 times, but again, too bad he deleted all those threads.

Or shall I point you to a thread in svtperformance.com in which Cardoc displays his marvels?

In any case, don't let the door hit yo a$$ on the way out, and enjoy looking 2 posts a day by the same people at the 'other' site.


'98 SVT - modded
'95 Suzuki GS500E
-faster than the above
---wanting a Speed Triple or Superhawk badly