Ima going to summa it up for you frigin daffodils.. (I'm italian and I'm fired up!) Since you people don't obviously like Cardoc in any way - All he has seemed to ever do is just to make an honest attempt at helping people (Gee, before all the true duals came along and 3Liters and such) Cardoc used to be a prominent person that ALOT of people including myself either emailed/PM'd or posted to ask for his help. He answered every one of my emails and also I remember he answered everyones posts with all the knowledge he had on that particular subject. (Case in point an outstanding CEG'er) I've known him for about a year now.. And before that I knew of him and wanted to talk to him because of his knowledge. The only thing I've seen in the past year or so with him defending himself is the fact that all he has ever done is try to help people. If the really smart people like Rara and Steve Bassen and DemonSVT and a few others that stick out like a sore thumb in the search articles would actually give the guy a chance to explain and share ideas... You would think twice about what you say and think about him. I NEVER read a post where he ever single handedly ridiculed or told someone they were stupid for their idea. He never took for granted what someone was thinking like some of the "many" here. It seems to me that he NEVER sought out people like Steve b, rara and DemonSVT. You people made the site and him the way it is. I never saw him provoke you in any way - Just answer questions for other people and offer up the knowledge he had. It's a shame that someone like myself hates to post here, but more or less I was moved to post in this forum because it's getting real old about these attacks on him. The guy never did ANYTHING to you people except try to help out. Do you realize that alot of people have gone to the other site just out of respect for the guy and everything he has tried to do for everyone?

Attack him, belittle him - It's gotten so old that the only people that alot of people are tired of hearing from is "you". "YOU" referring to the few that just don't get it. He doesn't need to belong to your special "clique", he carries his own group and doesn't have to act like a a$$hole to get people to respect him.

(Ok personal stuff aside)

I asked Cardoctor about his exhaust system and the reason why it wasn't mandrel bent. You want to know the real reason why it isn't? Have any of you even asked? Do you have one shred of a clue? Well... I'm going to fill you in. He used to work for a Custom exhaust shop that did performance exhaust on Mustangs, Camaro's and old vintage cars (i.e. historical and hot rods). The bender in that shop is a crush bender - the business has been around for over 30 years doing custom exhausts for loyal customers everyday. Why would you expect him to go out and spend money for pre-formed mandrel pieces? On top of that why would you question a man who dis it for a living? He seems to have taste - Those that know him closely say that he is very "particular" about his car and what goes on it... So it's too much to imagine that you could actually trust the guy for that. I mean a guy that spends 8 hours with making exhaust designs before he found one that sounded good sounds pretty "particular" doesn't he? I'm sure he just didn't slap that on there in one hour... From what I can tell his was the first quasi dual with dual rear pipes, this was something that he hadn't originally planned on doing, but something that came to him while another car was in the shop. This gave him the idea - He did it and then showed it to us (CEG). Now you ridicule him?? There's no technical about this... He showed us everything about it, helped those that wanted to copy it.. and sold systems to those that were interested. The really sad part is that these people are happy... They don't care that they might not have the most powerful system on the market (which is up in the air because who knows... It just might be..) It was the neatest best thing on the market at the time. Does that mean that everyone should do true duals?? Well - Look at any true dual that was done after his and you will see the same design for the rear pipes... Did they get the idea from him???? I bet the collective Paypal CEG amount that they did.

Anyhow - I've never seen him turn his back to anyone, he is loyal to the group that he started in his state and many like him. What is the problem with just getting along?


P.S. Warmonger... Your bet might be right - But comparing his system to the same system mandrel bent would not really show much efficiency gain. There is a certain point when no matter how you try to improve the flow... You run out of ideas because you realize the system might be over designed for the car itself. I sincerely hope that you understand you could unbolt his design and run a small block 350 and have no problems. Do you really think a 155 cubic engine is going to have problems breathing through it??? Hello - anyone home?

Rara... I never posted dyno #'s. You better re-read this post. Obviously overlooking something as small as this would be easy for a dote like you. And do you have to be an absolute dick? Pep Boys doesn't sell Vortex mufflers idiot. They are only sold to shops - If you see one at Pep Boys.. I'll give you a cookie.

Here's the scoop on that muffler:

High performance muffler
Maremont Exhaust Products, Inc. features the Cherry Bomb Vortex, a high performance muffler. It is available for popular performance automobiles and light trucks, reduces back pressure and maximizes horsepower. Vortex mufflers are built with all-welded aluminized steel construction, which combined with the use of stainless steel wool and fiberglass acoustic media, ensure long life. Maremont Exhaust Products, Inc.

Doesn't sound like Pep Boy's product to me... Now let me see which one you are... Hmm - Manny Moe or Jack??? Really you must be Moe - Because only a shMOE like you could be such a blatant ass.

1999 Contour SVT