Ok, I'm lost. 14 opinions - Everybody pissing in the same pool, ex-SVT owners trying to dictate... WTF do you call this? Sad.

Let me see what I can infer from all this. Dyno's don't drive down the road - Many many scientific principles all pulled in, numbers are mentioned but quickly dis-credited. I dare to ask why you even bother to have a forum if you don't want to at lease ENTERTAIN the thought of something that MIGHT be out of your RANGE of understanding.

This actually points to DEMON and others that see mandrel as the save all. Laminar flow is the smoothest flow you can have in either liquid or air. No matter if you have mandrel or crush, 90 degree bends cause turbulence to the outside wall of the pipe - Making the flow slow down and the pressure rise (velocity slows) (This is in a single pipe setup).

Now, take two pipes for instance - with crush bends (not completely restricted like you people act like it is). The crush actually speeds velocity and drops the pressure.


I'm not going to call you people morons, but I will call you ignorant. Ignorant to the fact that some things are above your understanding and simply arguing your way out of the conversation like you know what you are talking about is pure bullshiz. Now I know why some of the local parts suppliers hate CEG'ers. It's people like you that make the rest of the good people look bad. Just like KKM, I'm sure you have beaten the KKM to death and in effect it is a great product.

Remember people that these are all choices, and with choices there are going to be different opinions. Rox never started this to attack anyone personally, just to give his opinion which I thought the CEG was about. Obviously all CEG cares about is the opinion of a "few". Everybody is different - If you can't see and deal with diversity - CEG is fuk'd.



Here's a thought you infantile babies, why not purchase a Cardoc system and pool others and do your own comparison. Because if you believe that the person giving you the information is full of shiz - You yourself have no stoop to stand on either. I can't believe that you fools would actually argue about something that you have even said you've never seen in person. God are you people arrogant and shallow. Buy the damn system, dyno it and be done. Cardoc was never really concentrating on the performance aspect so he never dyno'd it (It's not because he couldn't) but because it wasn't important to him (He was concentrating on the sound aspect) you jack-off's. This whole post has pretty much angered me to the point that I know that I won't be coming back much at all anymore.

Cheers, and have fun screwing everyone around!


1999 Contour SVT