Originally posted by warmonger:
As far as the Battle between crush bend and mandrel bend: Not enough information presented here to make good assumptions.
The battle is not between crush bend and mandrel bend, because we all know that if you compare 2 exact same systems side by side (one press bent, and one mandrel bent), that the mandrel bent system will flow better. It has been proven many many many times over.

That is not the point. The point being argued here, is that Dom's system, compared to Borla, Bassani, etc, flows as good or better. All we are asking for is side by side dyno plots. Not some crazy physics formula, not opinions, nothing but a simple dyno plot.

You cannot argue rock solid proof as shown on a dyno plot. (I am sure it will be argued though).

1991 GVR4
Lots of mods done.