Demon - This addresses you and the other CEG nay-sayers as you call "the followers".

I have no idea why you have a beef with Cardoctor. The stone cold facts are these - Thanks to your great "search" system I was able to find all the answers I needed.

#1. When Doc originally posted about his exhaust system he never touted that it actually created more horsepower - Only that it sounded better than factory and gave him a better performance feel. IIRC he was the FIRST person to do dual pipes around the tank (owner wise) not racing. This paved the way for the current dual exhausts knowing that it could be done and that using it on a daily basis instead of just racing was feasible. He gave everyone the idea - Posted pics, helped people that wanted the system and were trying to get them done at their local shops.

Ask anyone who has his setup or who has reproduced his setup about the actual system - You will not find one dissatisfied person. That should speak for something right there. Just because he has a difference in opinion does not mean he should be the "black sheep" of the CEG. Do you not realize that he has contributed more than just the exhaust system? He has also helped many many people in the time he was a member here. I remember when everyone was asking him questions (before I ever signed up) back when I remember he was an active member. When I signed up I never posted much because of people like you who make people out like they are truly below you. Did he screw your dog or something, because how you and others treat his name like a bad omen are only the root of all the animosity between the sites and him. I guess it's hard for you to see that because you seem like a "yes man". I had the opportunity to meet this Cardoctor last year and I learned more about my SVT in 4 hours than I ever read in 2 years of owning it. You should be sorry to lose someone of his obvious knowledge and expertise. The only reason he started his own site was to break away from this "clique" started here by a few moderators and people like you. Frankly I see why he did it and with his intelligence and resources I would be really concerned about the impact of his site will have on this one as time goes on. He is obviously trying to make a great site - You never see people getting ripped down for their ideas and the atmosphere seems pleasant instead of timid and tense.

From all this info I've collected from the many pages and pages of bs that I've sifted through on my spare time - All the guy ever did was defend himself... You all had an axe to grind with him anytime he stepped into a conversation so I don't see why him having his own site makes members here feel like he is belittling you. When even is the last time he posted here???? He is no threat to you if you have nothing to worry about right? But obviously you are worried and maybe you have a right to acting with the attitude you do.

You see my member #, you see my join date and you see my number of posts. That is directly because of posts like this. I'd rather read and move on instead of answer to posts that have no more meaning but to rip a fellow enthusiast down.

What a sad affair here - Really and truly is.


1999 Contour SVT