I'm just voicing my opinion that his setup is far from optimal and adding that extra weight is a double negative.

I don't argue in the least it is a great sounding exhaust. It does sound very nice. However I personally don't buy an exhaust on sound alone. Peformance normally drives my choices and it is noticably lacking in this department versus numerous other options.

As for cardoc. There are many reason not to like him. None of which I will get into, nor change the hard facts against his exhaust.

I do notice that any time hard facts are brought up against cardocs "views" his groupies come out of the wood work and attack the "nay-sayers" A far too common practice I must say.

You do realize this is far from the first time any of this has come up & likely far from the last time as well unfortunately.

As for ragging on my car. Whatever makes you feel better. :rolleyes: Seems a little silly since we all own a version of the same thing.
I find it performs quite nicely in all aspects thank you.

2000 SVT #674 - Check it out!

Whoever coined the phrase; "If it ain't broke; don't fix it" ~ Just doesn't get it...