Originally posted by Evil Mushu:

Even though we do not know your wife I think it is in incredibly bad taste to diss her on a public forum.

I was dissing you not my wife, I said that she does some complaining, in which she does. I love her to death and a little Bi***ing is not going to change that. Its supposed to be all in good fun, but if your cuddly side is trying to come out, I'll take it easy on you Gimpy! No need to try to make it about my morals in my married life.

Fellas I think she's about ready to wave the white flag of truce, the force is just to much for her!

Can anyone say OWNED!

I don't "mod" I just fix what breaks! 98 CSVT #2527 T-Red (Limping) 98 CSVT #2228 T-Red (Donor) 98 SE Sport ATX V6 (Running again) If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me!