Originally posted by infuryum:



You seem to think I'm getting personal. I don't think any less of your wife or you, and I'm sorry you got that impression. For your information, I've told people I don't appreciate the girls who dress slutty, much less those girls who think it necessary to take pictures in the buff. My responses just happen to be about you and your wife (hence the reason you take it personal) because that is what the "art" consists of that you are considering posting on this board.

If you don't want this to go personal, then don't post the pics. Otherwise, you'll have to take some flack from me at least, because I've been called the moral ruler for the SC CEG.

So, let me take this to a not so personal level.

I work in a building surrounded by statues of naked people hammered out of iron. Some are bathing, some are frolicking with children, some are standing, others are simply busts of the human form. I don't like it. I don't think it's art. Sure, it's cool that they were able to take their medium and create something out of a pile of iron, but still, why the naked human body? To me, it describes a time when artists were trying to get under the skin of the establishment.

As for knowing about art, etiquette, etc (as you implied I know nothing about), I know plenty about both. I'm sorry you took this so personally. You talk about me coming to the line and crossing it. I think you did the same.

And to take it back to a personal level, this whole issue came up because you said you wanted to post pictures of your wife, that from all implications in the posts leading up to it, were to be implied as naked pics, I don't think it's right to share pictures like that of your wife with others. I have stated my opinion, you know where I stand. If you are going to post, I will respond.

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