Originally posted by Pimpalicious316:
so wait, he can get on my case but I can't do the same? i personally don't give a flying fugg about this imaginary line you have set up to protect yourself from "outsiders." i have read the post and seen the movie, i don't see why he keeps bringing it up. i asked a question and he basically told me i didn't need to know because i am not in the clique around here. so for that, he can shove off.


Seriously dude.... CHILL OUT!

We are silly people here who like to have a good time. We can give each other a hard time because we know and like each other. Us giving you a hard time is a way of welcoming you. Did you not see us welcome SAV into the fold? Take some time, get to know us and let us know you. Like it or not this is a clique of sorts. You just can't jump in and join. Baby steps.

Suck it Trebek! And by Trebek I mean Seaegee!