Originally posted by Pimpalicious316:
Originally posted by Ray:
I took the dog to the vet.. She's 10 years old, and has begun to chew/scratch herself crazy (causing welps and raw spots all over her)... They gave her Cortizone shots, and pills to give her.. Have you ever tried giving a pill to a dog? They can spit those things incredibly FAR!!!

same thing here with our dog. here is a good tip for getting them their pills. open their mouth and place it on the tongue, then hold the mouth shut and gently blow on their nose. when their nose is blown on, it makes them swallow, they can't help it. also helps if you massage the throat while you do this. the key is to be strong but gentle. don't be too forceful when opening the mouth and don't clamp it shut. they will get scared and it will get harder each time.


Never heard the "blow on the nose", but our technique is the same. Hold the mouth shut and rub the throat until you see their tongue come out, then you know they've swallowed it.

Roger - "Old Guy" "Every car is a sports car sometime." 1999 White SE Sport V6 MTX 2005 Toyota Sienna - 8 passenger