Originally posted by TourminatorGL:
Man that sux. At least the bumpers look alright. What do you drive now?

the bumpers look ok but there not. much damage behind the front and all pointing point ripped off. all four wheels are bent, no suspension is in good shape the brand new tranny ford put in 2 weeks before cracked the case, along with the engine block. the drivers seat broke. it actually layed almost flat from the impact nothing on the car was salvagable, except maybe the heads/cams but they went to the junk (salvage) yard i couldnt stop it...

i now drive a 2004 acura tl. i moved up in the world a bit. i looked for another svt but almost all that i found at the time were pretty ragged out. one guy told me he actually broke 4 trannys (and had the paperwork to prove it)!!! who would want that? my tl is very nice, lots of power (270) and it has a 6mt and navigation. it has more then i could ask for in most departments. but i still miss the contour... it had a tossability that the tl just cant match and when you ran it to redline it had an awsome shriek... the tl is whisper quiet...

-Y2K SVT- BORN 1/03/2000 DIED 02/29/2004