Originally posted by Bicycle019:
I'm w/Marco on this one. It's WAY more than 1-2 hp. Easy mod to do, instructions are here: http://www.contour.org/mods/mods.cgi?s=howto&display=svttb
You do know that the main page of contour.org has LOTS of info on it right?
Call Bill Jenkins to get the parts. He knows exactly what you are going to need in addition to the TB. It works better if you already have an intake on the car..sounds cool too! HTH
You know there is a site that has the dyno on this info and Hp gain right, here take a look for yourself. A SE with just a KKM adds a peak gain of 6.1hp. then when you add a SVT TB it goes to 7.5 gain. so you do the math and tell me what you come up with. Heres the site with Info on it