Originally posted by Sharkey:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
This weekend I realized the top 5 is very hard to stay in and tuning is what makes a the BIG differences.

B.S.!!!!! Tune makes a small difference. Kinda like a cold air intake on a Ferrari. If you think you're gonna win a race cause of Cera F, you probably also think your spark plug grounding kit gave you 20HP.
A good skier on a crap ski will beat a crap skier on a good ski anyday. Talent is key. I am a fan of having good equipment, but I also think good equipment will only take you as far as your talent will allow.
Tuning will make your equipment more predictable, but if your technique sucks, you're still gonna suck. It sounds like your ability is at or above your competition, so tuning MIGHT make the difference. It will at least make you think you've done your best to prepare. That's worth just as much as anything else. the mental aspect of knowing where your equipment is at in a physical sense.
Just don't put a ton of stock in it. Without seeing your race I can tell you that ANYBODY in HS or college can trim .5 seconds in the start and first 3 gates. Ski races are won and lost everyday at the start gate. Just ask a drag racer that wins with a slower car. Of course, this is just my opinion.
see you at the hill! I'll be the one buzzing past you, but maybe on my noggin!

I should've been more specific...I had chunks of wax that i hadn't scraped off....that makes a difference.

Born again on 04/09/06 FOR SALE: Moonroof glass and motor MB sunshade PM ME!