2003 easily my worst year. The honeymoon with buying my PGT (in Nov. 2002) ended quickly after it began exhibiting several odd and unique problems ... and it wasn't even to the point where it was one problem after another ... new ones always popped up a few days before I fixed the old ones! Ended up getting rid of it finally in October, after both me and my parents (thankfully) spent tons of money on it. Last time I ever drove it was first time since having the blown distributor and seized alternator replaced, only to find the muffler becoming increasingly louder!

I NR'ed five classes that year (though since 2004 began, with a changed major, no failures whatsoever )

Several other smaller things, I can't remember at the moment though.

A few good things came out of the year ... my old Vaio laptop got burnt by a lightning surge that summer (which came, not through the power, but through the cable and home network) ... claimed it through home insurance, saved up a bit and got my PowerBook (and iPod, which combined gave me a $200 rebate - basically a $69 iPod) ... I finally quit Burger King and got a better paying job at Walmart ... I lived in an on-campus apartment with six friends (and ten more in two nearby apartments) - many fun times held there 2003-2004 ...