Originally posted by Y2KSVT:
I didn't intend to rip on him for starting this GB.

I'm not ripping him in any way either.

But, I speak from experience with opening the headlights - I've pruchased them from a CEGer (who shall remain nameless) who had a Group Buy and have done them myself.

With the GB ones I purchased
The seller assured me repeatedly via PM and IM that he was so good at cutting them open that he could do a set in under an hour and once assembled would look perfect. This was important because I purchased brand new OEM headlights for the GB. Well, I got the lights back and they were completely trashed aesthetically. Broken plastic, scratched chrome, debris left inside the headlight housing, silicone leakage in the housing. I wanted a refund of some kind, even half - he refused and I never got my money back.

My own
Cutting them open was not that bad. But, I seriously have to question how you can cut open a set in under an hour without damaging anything. I was extremely careful and spent about 1.5 hours on each. I can understand shaving maybe a half hour off each headlight (2 hrs total), but 30 minutes per? I'd have to question the quality. The rest of the process is not too difficult - prep, mask, paint, seal, etc.

I was offered money to do this service and declined due to the concerns I mentioned above. I'd feel bad offering a product that wasn't something I know the customer would be 100% satisfied with.

I've been burned twice on GBs handled through CEGers for substaintial amounts of money and will never again participate in a "I'll make this for you" type of GB.

Good luck to everyone.

IMHO, for a high quality job, I would estimate:
Cutting lights open: 3 hrs
Prep for paint: 1.5 hrs
Paint: 1 hr
24 hr drying time
Cleaning rough edges: .5 hrs
Sealing: 2 hrs
Sealing stage 2: 1 hr
Total: 9 hrs minimum

Again IMHO.

Last edited by SVT PETE; 12/16/04 10:23 PM.

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