Originally posted by ancientsanskrit:
I really don't know what to say...I mean I have heard of gas stations putting extra cleaners in the gas during the winter, this may induce your economics a tad, but wow, you guys are pulling awful numbers. Did this occur recently, or was it progressive? i.e. after it got cold, did your numbers start going down hill? Also, are you guys pulling any codes, i.e. running in lean mode? I, myself, do not know what to suggest for your guys' situation, perhaps someone w/more experience will chime in! Good luck guys!

Sounds like desi and I are in the same boat. I don't think its the gas. RealSlimShaver probably uses the same exact gas stations as I do, and he's getting at least 500 per tank, with 'spirited' performance. Hoping he'll tell us how!

For me, summer (warm fall, actually- only got the car in September) is always better mileage than winter, but not significantly so. (Maybe 1 or 2 mpg). For me and it sounds like Desi did this too, I changed the components that were giving the CELs (good old O2 sensors, and various other bits) and I have no hard or pending codes. I assume Desi is the same.

Hey, maybe we got the ones made on Tuesday after (US) Thanksgiving! (Hung-over workers, etc) Mines 11/97, so its worth a thought!
