Originally posted by DJ Capp 911:

you know what, the govt has lied to the people for years... going 11mph over the limit accidentally is not a crime

ROFL!!! Going over the limit is a crime, a very small one yes, but still a crime. The limit is there so people don't go nuts. Capp, I agree with you to a point. I used to be under the assumption that the speed limit was in fact the 'fastest a car can safely travel' on a given stretch of road. That was until I read for a class that the 55mph limit was put in by the government to ... save gas. Anyways, bring a camera next time you get caught speeding. I want to see the officers face when you tell him that speeding isn't a crime But the limit is there for a point and even if you don't agree with it, you have to obey it.