Originally posted by PackRat:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Originally posted by PackRat:
Originally posted by DJ Capp 911:
Even when you try to do the stand up thing often times they will not give you a break.

I got a ticket for 64 in a 45 construction zone. I went to court and talked to the judge. I admitted guilt and asked if I could get the ticket deferred. The judge agreed and all I had to do was waste a Saturday afternoon in traffic school and pay the "tuition" and court costs. You can attract more flies with manuer than honey.

I've done this too. I just don't see the problem of working things out in court.

In my experience, judges are more willing to work with you if you admit your mistakes rather than try to make excuses.

Most of my tickets have never gone to court. I'd set up a formal hearing, meet with the prosecuting att and work out a deal. Which is what happened this time around. Informal hearings are totally diff.

Born again on 04/09/06 FOR SALE: Moonroof glass and motor MB sunshade PM ME!