Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Originally posted by PackRat:
Originally posted by SAV-ZX2:
I'm asking for advice. I already stated in a previous post, if you bothered to read before shooting off a reply, that I am willing to "pay the piper". All I said was I had never been in this situation before. Again, I'll ask you to point out my childishness. Find where I called the cop a douche or was bitchy about getting pulled over.

If you're going to have the exceptionally annoying ability to fire off my flaws via name-calling (generally associated with immaturity, which so far I see more in you than in myself) then be sure you have the evidence to back it up. Otherwise your argument reveals a poor attempt to attack me on your part, and thus you've gotten nowhere in making me feel worse about myself. That is, if that really was your intent.


All I'm saying is, you got a ticket, pay up, end of story. If you want to take your chances in court that's up to you but I'm sick of reading these threads posted by people who get busted when they were clearly breaking the law and ask for advice on how to either wiggle out of it or look for some excuse how to get out of it. If that's not your intent, fine, but that's how most of these threads pan out.

What's wrong if you can wiggle your way out of these things? It's a speeding ticket, sheesh, he didn't kill someone.

It's this neat little thing called Personal Responsibility. Perhaps you have heard of it? It's severely lacking in todays America.